Passionate about Gender Balance
Whether you find it a frustrating, unbelievable or pivotal one, it’s a fact: at current rates of progress, it may take another 215 years to close the economic gender gap globally, according to the World Economic Forum.

Plus there is now research indicating that there has been a disproportionate economic and/
or career development impact of COVID-19 on women.
Gender diversity – in fact all diversity – creates a stronger, sustainable and valuable business, so we need to keep working to create an environment desirable to all our people and one in which they can succeed.
Our BE INSPIRED graphic summarises the areas of local and national activity led by the Leadership Team, our U Board, Inspire and a group of passionate people, with the aim of ensuring there are no barriers preventing our talented people from succeeding.

We know we’re already doing a lot of the right things; they simply take time to become sustainable, long-term fixes.
It won’t happen overnight but, with the support of our people, we know we can make sure our future statistics reflect our current ambition.
To keep our balance, we must keep moving – today, tomorrow and for as long as it takes to remove barriers to equality.

“We've set a target of 30% female partners by 2030, which is part of our Women In Finance Charter commitment. It’s important to recognise that stereotypes about gender diversity represent barriers to diversity which affect everyone, not just women. It’s about getting the right balance in every way.”
Nicola Lally, Communications Partner.
Audit Assistant Manager - Not for Profit
Multiple Locations -
Public Sector Internal Audit Assistant Manager
Southampton, United Kingdom -
Audit of Tax Senior Manager
Multiple Locations -
Employee Relations Assistant Manager
London, United Kingdom -
Private Client Services Tax Assistant Manager
Guildford, United Kingdom -
Assistant Manager
Southampton, United Kingdom -
Senior IT Business Relationship Manager (14 month maternity cover)
London, United Kingdom -
Third Party Risk Manager
London, United Kingdom -
Trust Tax Senior Manager
Multiple Locations -
Audit Manager
Leeds, United Kingdom